Families & Community
The Mann UCLA Community School strives to serve our students, their families, and the surrounding community.We partner with many organizations to fulfill that mission.
Follow us on Instagram (@mannuclacs)
Family Engagement Policies
- LAUSD Family & Parent Engagement Policy (English)
- LAUSD Family & Parent Engagement Policy (Spanish)
- Mann UCLA CS Parent Compact
- Mann UCLA CS Family & Parent Engagement Policy
Resources from the District
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CLICK HERE to visit the Parent and Community Services site. When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer and like school more. The Parent and Community Services office supports school efforts to implement effective family engagement activities that value partnerships with parents for the benefit of children’s learning and achievement. |
CLICK HERE to visit a page on our district’s website for recordings of workshops aimed at supporting students and their families through distance learning. Topics include: “Integrating Routines and Schedules During Distance Learning and Beyond, Resources for Families in Need, A-G Requirements, High School and Beyond, Navigating Online Resources, Stress Management and Self-Care, Oral Language Development at Home, Supporting Your Child and Yourself During Challenging Times, and Tools for Students with Disabilities.
HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para visitar una página en el sitio web de nuestro distrito para obtener grabaciones de talleres destinados a apoyar a los estudiantes y sus familias a través del aprendizaje a distancia. Los temas incluyen: “Integración de rutinas y horarios durante el aprendizaje a distancia y más allá, recursos para familias necesitadas, requisitos AG, escuela secundaria y más allá, navegación por recursos en línea, manejo del estrés y cuidado personal, desarrollo del lenguaje oral en el hogar, apoyo a su hijo y a usted mismo Durante tiempos difíciles y herramientas para estudiantes con discapacidades.
Get Involved
One of the most important aspects that sets a community school apart from other schools is our commitment to include parents, families, and community members in our school community. Read on for opportunities to be involved at Mann UCLA CS.
PARENT CENTERWhen our Mann UCLA campus is open, the Parent Center is a resource center for our families. In virtual times, the Parent Center continues to serve our communities through monthly Parent Workshops. |
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English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)Families of English Learner students are invited to join ELAC. ELAC works with the School Site Council to advocate for the ELD Program. Check the school’s calendar on the home page for meeting dates. Zoom Code: 838 1244 8983 |
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School Site Council (SSC)School Site Council is open to teachers, staff, families, students, and community members, making it a powerful space for all stakeholders to work together. Responsibilities include making decisions on the school budget, school programs, and participating in governance meetings. Check the school’s calendar on the home page for meeting dates. Zoom Code: 817 2822 6444 (Passcode: 205 337) |
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COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEEThis vital component of our school is made up of parents, educators, pupils, public and private agencies, and persons concerned with the needs of individuals with disabilities. Check the school’s calendar on the home page for meeting dates. |
PANTHER PACKParents, teachers, and students are encouraged to join our Panther Pack Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA). Join us as we work together to make Mann UCLA Community School better, together! PARENT TEACHER STUDENT ASSOCIATION (PTSA)
How to sign up and use LAUSD’s Parent Portal
Ms. Brice, Mann UCLA Community School’s parent rep explains how to sign up for and use the Parent Portal Account. También traducido al español.