Governance/Local School Leadership Council (LSLC)
Mann’s Governance Council is based on the LAUSD-UTLA shared decision-making model, which provides for a Local School Leadership Council. We have representation from Mann faculty, staff, families, community members, and students. We have purview over: Staff development programs, Student discipline guidelines/code of conduct, Schedule of school activities and events, Guidelines for use of school equipment, and Local budgetary matters. Governance/LSLC is the main leadership body of the school, with a wider purview and set of responsibilities than other teams and councils.
Meetings are open to the public, but only elected council members can participate in consensus decision-making.
Who is on LSLC?
LSLC is composed of twelve members, or a proportionate ratio depending on school size. Members include six certificated teachers, including UTLA Chapter Chair (two alternates), the Principal, one classified staff (one alternate), and four parents (two alternates). It is automatic that the principal and UTLA Chair are members and serve as co-chairs of the council. Elections are held annually to ensure LSLC includes diverse perspectives and provides opportunities for new members of our community to participate.
What does the LSLC Do?
Our main goal is to keep our students at the forefront of our decision-making and planning. LSLC will consider the perspectives of various stakeholder groups, and the primary goal is to reach a consensus. As a council, we are responsible for communicating the ideas and thoughts of the broader school community, solving problems, and providing a space for our community to freely express their feelings and diverse points of view.
Plan staff professional development.
Establish student discipline guidelines and policies.
Determine schedule of school activities and events, and special schedules (such as shortened and minimum days.)
Guidelines for use of school equipment, such as copy machines.
Local budgetary matters in Object Code 4310 (General Fund) Program Code 3027 (Instructional Materials Account.)
How can you participate in the LSLC?
Remember, your support is integral to Mann UCLA’s continued success! Therefore, everyone within the school community is invited to attend all meetings. See Mann UCLA's website calendar, subject-to-change, on the homepage for upcoming meeting dates. We also encourage everyone to contribute their voices through public comments, run to become a member, nominate someone to become a member, and vote.
The current voting members are:
- Cris (Maria Cristina) Phillips - School Principal
- Shriya Venkatesh - UTLA Chapter Chair
- Saundra Dozzie - Parent
- Raphael Irving - Parent
- Kathy Guyton - Community Member
- Dr. Annamarie Francois - Community Member
- Fatima Banegas - Student Representative
- Greg Amelio - Certificated Employee
- Adriane Nguyen - Certificated Employee
- Darlene Tieu - Certificated Employee
Also, consider joining a subcommittee where your voice will be heard, even if you are not a voting member:
- Student Leadership & Experiences: Represents student voice on campus and in the community, organizes clubs, events, and other extracurricular activities for students, supports ASB and our Students Deserve chapter
- Outreach: Supports our parent/family workshops, events, and initiatives, manages partnerships with community groups and organizations
- Integrated Student Support: Ensures that all learners on campus are represented and supported, supports ELAC, SSPT, and our SpEd department
- Empowerment Curriculum & Instruction: Supports curriculum-building, lesson planning, instruction, and assessment through an empowerment and inclusion lens, supports ILT and PD development
- Restorative Practices and Socio-Emotional Learning: Reviews and organizes our discipline and restorative justice systems, supports teachers and staff with implementing socio-emotional learning
- Research & Accountability: Reviews and monitors research-practice partnerships on campus, collects and analyzes data to help our community understand needs and successes
- Resources & Development: Assesses physical campus needs and plans long-term construction/improvement projects, contributes to recruitment & fundraising efforts
- BSAP Advisory Committee: Advises our governance council on spending, community partnerships, and activities under the BSAP umbrella
Meeting Dates
We meet on the third Tuesday of each month (except April - moved to 4/22 due to Spring Break) at 4PM - only on zoom.
Agendas & Minutes
Zoom Code/Código de Zoom: 815 085 440 82