The School Experience Survey is an annual survey administered in the spring to all LAUSD schools. Survey results provide schools with important feedback from teachers, staff, students, and parents. The SES provides valuable information to stakeholders about LAUSD schools. Developed with input from parents, teachers, unions, and community-based organizations, the SES documents the perceptions of parents, staff, and grade 4-12 students about their experiences at their school.
Parent Survey (English)
La Encuesta sobre la Experiencia Escolar es una encuesta anual que se realiza en primavera en todas las escuelas del LAUSD. Los resultados de la encuesta proporcionan a las escuelas importantes comentarios de los maestros, el personal, los estudiantes y los padres. El SES proporciona informaciĆ³n valiosa a las partes interesadas sobre las escuelas del LAUSD. Desarrollado con las aportaciones de padres, profesores, sindicatos y organizaciones comunitarias, el SES documenta las percepciones de los padres, el personal y los estudiantes de los grados 4 a 12 sobre sus experiencias en su escuela.
Encuesta para padres (espaƱol)
You have received an email with your own personal link to the survey along with the following instructions on how to complete the survey. Students who enrolled after January 10, 2025, should not participate in the survey.
Staff, please use the link below to complete the staff survey. Please send Ms. Brice proof of completion of the survey in an email.