Mann has stepped up in the world of Esports after reaching not only the top 16, but also winning their first round and moving on to the Semi Finals! This comes with the WRMSEC Esports league which consists of 80 teams from over 40 schools in Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico & Washington! On March 12, our students beat the Esports team from Washington Middle School (so we are officially bound for the seminfinals!!! The Mann Panthers Super Smash Bros League Team consists of the Esports Team Captain and Club President Ian Hernandez, the club Vice President Esteban May, and rookie of the team, our very own Social Media coordinator Michael Hernandez! This team is coordinated by the Mann Esports coaching staff of Coach Gomez, Coach Marcus, and Coach Nguyen to help support these talented young men into the playoffs. Come see us play next week as we play in the SEMIFINALS! |